Vehicle Accident On Medley's Neck Rd Near Chingville Rd
By Deputy Fire chief Ronald (Ronnie) Alvey
February 26, 2025

On February 26 around 3:13 PM, units from Company 6 were dispatched to Medleys Neck Rd and Watson Lane for the motor vehicle Accident. A vehicle had reportedly rear ended a school bus with no reported injuries on the bus and unknown injuries in the car. E-61 and Chief 6B arrived simultaneously to find a single vehicle partially under the rear of the school bus. No occupants were trapped in the car. There were a total of 26 occupants on the bus, including the driver. A-68 and A-397 evaluated a total of four patients who all signed refusals. The scene was turned over to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's department and the Board of Education.

Units: Engine 61, Chief 6B, A-68
Mutual Aid: A-397, SMCSO,