Are you the one who will try one of these on?
Filling the shoes of a firefighter or stepping into an ambulance is not for everyone but for someone who cares for the welfare of life and property. You will never know unless you try it on for size. The Second District Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad is actively seeking that special someone who cares and wants to contribute to the safety of their neighbor and their possessions.
Come and experience an evening with the Second District Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad any Wednesday night beginning at 7:00 p.m. You will never know if you are that one person who will respond to a crisis and be a hero.
There is no obligation to see for yourself if you fit into the shoes of a firefighter or that of an emergency medical provider.
Would you like to support your community and gain valuable skills that can help you in your career? If so we have various kinds of Membership that will allow you to support in whatever capacity that you are willing to donate your valuable time.
Contact Info :
Please complete the Membership Application along with the background check form. Both must be turned in at the same time in order to process your application.

Background form