Abandoned House Fire on Flat Iron Road, Great Mills
By Chief Charles L. (Redtop) Henderson Jr.
March 29, 2021
The SDVFDRS was alerted for a structure fire on Flat Iron Road, Great Mills March 29, at 1038 am. Water Supply 6 (Swann) arrived on scene with a working structure fire. Chief 6 (Henderson)arrived shortly afterwards assuming the Flat Iron Road command advising St. Mary's to have 1st. arriving engine drop a supply line at the driveway and proceed to the structure pulling two 1 3/4 lines. Engine 132 with Captain 13 advanced two hand lines to sides A and C. The next arriving was engine 61 with lieutenant 6A and he was instructed to bring his manpower to side A of the building to assist Captain 13 and his crew. Water supply 6 set up a water supply for tankers at the fire hydrant at Great Mills Road and Point Lookout Road Sheetz. Chief 3B arrived on the scene and was assigned Operations. Within 15 minutes the fire was under control. Units remained on the scene 1 1/2 hrs. for overhaul and clean up.
All photos courtesy of Mike Wilson, SDVFD&RS, Inc.
Engine 61, Tanker 63, Ambulance 68
Mutual Aid:
Bay District VFD; Engine 93, Truck 3, Tanker 34, Tower 9, NDWFD; Engine 132, Truck 13 Leonardtown VFD: Engine 11, Tanker 14 Hollywood VFD; Rescue Squad 7 Seventh District VFD: Water Supply 5, Lexington Park VRS; Ambulance 39